
Football Networking: Secure A Trial


I know one of the main reasons you watch our content is because your goal is to secure a trial opportunity.

Considering I was just a young footballer at one point desperate to secure a trial, I know exactly what you're feeling and going through.

Today, I have built a 7-step plan to take you from your current team to the professional level of football.

If you take action, you will reach your goals.


Step 1 - Building An Online Presence

No, I do not mean post stupid TikTok dances & memes.  

You want to be a professional footballer, right?

Good, so you need to act like that NOW.

Not when you become a professional, but NOW.

There is a social media which is perfect for footballers looking to find trial opportunities worldwide.

And if you've seen any of our content, you'll know I'm talking about LinkedIn.

No, we are not affiliated to them at all & we do not gain anything from you using the platform.

But LinkedIn has helped us secure 300+ football trials for our players in our PPP all over the world.

Every single footballer who has worked with us can vouch for it.

If you're unaware what LinkedIn even is, just think of Facebook or Instagram - but in a more professional manner.

Millions of people are using the platform to connect with other professionals in their own field; find new jobs; and employ new workers.

The same goes for football.

There's a countless amount of professional players, agents, scouts, coaches and directors using LinkedIn every single day.

You're going to tell me you're NOT going to make the most of this?

Those in our Professional Player Program get access to our full LinkedIn tutorial, where they learn exactly how to set up their account for success.

But not only setting up their account, we even teach them exactly how to find contacts, network, and find trial opportunities

If that sounds interesting to you, click here to join our PPP 2.0.

Now, this isn't like any other social media - so there's a few things to note.

It's professional, so be professional yourself.

No more spelling errors, no poor grammar, no missing capital letters.

It all adds up to the first impression, which is one of the most important things in the world as a footballer.


Step 2 - Use Other Social Medias

The truth is, LinkedIn isn't the best solutions for all countries when it comes to football.

Just to give you an idea, I was recently networking for one of our players in Belgium on LinkedIn and I wasn't finding ANYTHING.

No contacts, and the few I found weren't responding at all.

Well, we're lucky there's plenty of other social medias out there.

I went to Facebook, contacting some teams that I had targeted from my research.

... and was able to get some responses.

You must have the ability to adjust.

Be proactive, not reactive. 

Keep your message sweet & short, there's NO reason at all to tell these people or clubs your whole life story.

You're just creating problems by writing down your whole life story.

Be productive, and save their time.

Of course, we teach all of our players the EXACT message templates we use for success.

Which allowed one of our players to go from Sunday League to the 1st division U18 in just one off-season.


Step 3 - Reaching Out To Agents

Going back to LinkedIn now...

Now that you have your profile and maybe, you've even gained some connections.

LinkedIn is a GREAT place to contact professional football agencies who have the network behind them to secure you a trial.

But, take this as a firm warning.

There are A LOT of scams out there.

Especially within the football world.

And especially with a lot of "agents".

Here's a few things to look out for:

- They send you a contract offer without a trial
- They ask for money upfront 
- They charge hundreds of $s for a 'trial'

If you see any of these signs, step away and leave that alone.

For real, I get players message me every single day telling me...

They sent this agent some money and they ghosted.

Don't let it be you.

So how can you actually find an agency you trust?

First of all, you should be able to search them up on Transfermarkt.

And more importantly, do some research.

Try and find some of their players, and reach out to them.

Ask about their experiences, what success they found, etc.

The players in our PPP are told to usually avoid agents and go directly to clubs instead, as we've found a lot more success that way.

Remember, create a professional CV & highlights reel for all of this networking.

To make sure all of our players succeed with networking, we personally create them player CVs and we edit their highlight reels.

If you want us to help you with your player portfolio, you can do that by joining our Professional Player Program.

But, around 50% of our players join our program without any highlights.

What we do for these players is pretty simple.

We just do what we can with the CV alone.


Step 4 - Attending Open Trials

I'm not a fan of them at all, so I'm not going to discuss a lot about them.

But they're good for a few things.

1) To test yourself out against other (usually) good-ish players
2) To learn as much as possible from the (hopefully) professional coaches
3) There's always a small chance you might actually get scouted
4) It'll probably be a good training & fitness session

Open trials are good to have as an extra option, but it should be your last option.


Step 5 - Joining Football Communities

Just like our brand-new online footballer community called The JNMAcademy, there are countless online football communities and forums out there you can find.

For example in ours, we have a great community of like-minded, motivated footballers holding each other accountable.

We teach all of the players in this community everything & anything when it comes to footballer development & finding trials.

If you want to join The JNMAcademy whilst it's still cheap (early release price), then you can do that by clicking here.


Step 6 - Use Your Current Network

That's right, you have a network.

You might be confused right now.

Thinking you don't have a football network.

But my friend, do you know people?

All right, that's a network.

Have you ever had teammates, or coaches, or classmates?

That's your network.

And someone knows someone who can get you that trial opportunity.

I'd start with coaches.

They usually have good networks.

Ask them if they know any coaches or teams at a higher level who could host you for a trial.

What do you have to lose?

Your ego hurting because they said no?

So what?

No one cares, grow up & start seeking more rejections.

Next, you could ask ex teammates who have gone on to better clubs.

You never know, maybe their new coaches might like your CV.

You don't know unless you ask.


Step 7 - Persistence 

You'll get thousands of unopened messages.

Hundreds of emails left on read.

Countless rejections.

You must be persistent.

Follow up with unanswered messages and ask again.

You will find success.

It just depends on how much you want it.

So ask yourself, what are you willing to do?

How much are you willing to try?

Are you going to slack off, whilst others are doing more networking than you?

Let these other players secure the slot in the squad that could have been yours?


I didn't think so.

Look, you've made it this far.

It's clear you're motivated to reaching your goals.

That's exactly the type of player we need.

And, I must be honest.

Our PPP 2.0 is closing down soon, prices are rising as so are the players in the program.

This might be your last chance to join.

What will it be?

Click HERE to join The Professional Player Program before it closes.

See you very soon,

Nathan & Josh

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