Professional Football Diet Plan - How To Lose Weight Fast With A Football Diet Plan
What you eat can solely determine your whole career as a football player, which is why it is absolutely essential you inherit a professional football diet. The truth is that there is simply too much contradicting information out there regarding nutrition for professional football, and it would simply take too long to learn everything there is to know about nutrition.
So that’s what blogs are for, here you can learn all the vital information you need to know in order to go about your diet as a football player with confidence. A footballer’s diet plan can look totally different ranging from player to player. There are many factors to consider when creating your nutrition plan as a football player. For example, your goals, current weight/height, gender, favoured foods, dislikes, allergies, age, etc.
The most important thing is fueling your body efficiently for every single training session and match. Otherwise, you cannot perform to your best. As you probably know, a majority of energy comes from the carbohydrates we consume. So to start, if you often feel a lack of energy - it’s time to consider your carbohydrate intake. On the other hand, you can 100% consume too much carbohydrates as well. Therefore, balance is crucial.
The amount of calories you consume also varies from person to person. Whereas one player may need 3500 calories, you may only need 2500. There are countless free calorie calculators available to try and get a rough estimate of how many calories you need to consume in order to reach your football nutrition goals.
A lot of football players have the goal of losing body fat, which is a good goal to have. Having a low amount of body fat percentage will increase overall athleticism and performance. Furthermore, the only way to actually lose body fat and/or weight is by consuming less calories than you burn on a consistent basis. With time, you will lose body fat and probably minor muscle mass as well.
This is why we always suggest never trying to change your body weight during the season. The last time you want to experiment with your diet and try to change your weight is when you have to perform and compete. It’s much better to try this during your off-season period, where there is less (none) pressure on you performing.
Despite this, you’re still likely to be training during your off-season so it is still crucial you fuel up for each session efficiently. This is the exact reason that if you are in a calorie deficit, you should only be in a very calorie deficit. The last thing you want to happen is you having no energy when you head out to training.
As footballers, we understand all of this can sometimes be too much to handle without the right help and support.
Which is why we help footballers with this exact issue so they do not have to worry about anything. Every single detail is handled by us and you can go about your training and nutrition with the utmost confidence.
Click here if you want to learn more about our nutritional guidance