Signing A Professional or Semi-Pro Contract Is A Simple Process

We will teach you our secret strategy.

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4000+ Successful Footballers Joined

What Is The Professional Player Program?

  • Professional Player Program is a 'made-for-you' step-by-step program covering EVERY aspect of becoming an elite footballer, and securing football trials anywhere in the world.

    This is the most hands-on online footballer platform in the world, with your own personal online coach guiding you every step of the way.

    This program has everything covered for you. No other program in the world creates 100+ trial opportunities every single year.

  • The Program

    Inside Professional Player Program

    PPP is broken down into 5 phases. You can see what's inside each one below.

    When joining today, you'll also get access to our Mindset Program Course & Mindset-Hacker Journal Templates, for free.

  • Segment 1: Mindset

    Because we both studied sports psychology, we're huge advocates of 'training your brain'.
    And we believe that the brain is the most important muscle as an athlete, which must be trained actively.
    Which is why we're going to provide you with frequent mindset training tasks; journal worksheets and templates; 60+ page ebook on footballer mindset; meals to fuel your brain; and guide you 1-on-1 on your path to an elite mindset.
  • Segment 2: Shape

    With the modern game requiring more and more from players every single year physically.
    We make sure all of our players are in top shape.
    Your 'shape', is made up of:
    - Fitness
    - Strength
    - Power
    - Overal athleticism
    - Speed
    - Flexibility
    - Recovery
    - Mobility
    - Biomechanics
    Your shape will be in peak condition through the custom nutrition & workout programs we will create you.
    These are fully customised towards your needs, goals, weaknesses, strengths, availability, equipment, age, etc.
    But you won't just receive one program - as you progress, so do your programs.
  • Segment 3: Ability

    Athleticism will take you far, but not to the top.
    You must be developing as a footballer faster than your teammates.
    This is where extra, smart & tailored training comes on. If you train like an average footballer, you'll get average results.
    Similar to Segment 2, here we'll create you fully customised training programs to implement immediately.
    And as you expect from us, these are fully tailored towards your personal situation.
    No matter whether you're training alone, with a partner, or a small group. No matter whether it's a full-sized pitch, or a small ball-and-wall section in your garden.
    We will create the perfect program for you.
  • Segment 4: Portfolio

    Every player in our program gets a professional football player CV template to edit.
    The same template we've used over 1000+ times now for every single player. We've spent years testing and experimenting every single detail on this CV to get the best results.
    But not only a CV, if you have clips - we also edit them up into a professional highlights reel.
    Ready for networking...
    Note: around 50% of players who join our program have ZERO clips, which is NOT an issue at all.
    For these players, we do what we can with the CV alone and in the meantime - we strategise to try and get clips.
  • Segment 5: Opportunities

    Broken up into 2 segments, our networking system is a proven method of finding trial opportunities all over the world.
    Like the players you can see in the pictures above, who have all recently attended professional trials through our networking system.
  • Networking Segment #1


    We've been running JNM Football since 2019. In that time, we've built an incredible amount of connections.
    Because of this, often agents & coaches will approach us because they're looking for a specific type of player for a specific location.
    When this happens, we put this in our client groupchat where you can apply, and we'll connect the dots.
  • Networking Segment #2

    The System

    We teach all of our players the exact step-by-step process of how to find trial opportunities.
    Where to look; how to find coaches; how to approach them; what & when to send them; and everything else needed in order to get the trial you desire.
    And, you've got us there to help you every step of the way.
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If you join The Professional Player Program today, you'll gain access to 5 bonuses worth £630 for FREE

Total Estimated Value: £630

Your Price: FREE

Mindset Madness (valued at £197) - To have a winning mindset to make yourself disciplined in front of whatever circumstances are around you. Plus, how can you use this to set yourself apart from other players 

IQ Booster (Valued £169) - For enhancing your football intelligence by analysing and breaking down each and every movement of a player by JNM professional coach

Coaching Call with JNM coaches (Priceless) - 1:1 Q/A through personal text message with coaches of JNM, who are always available to you 24/7

Our Network System (Priceless) - Get access to our network system, which has taken years of building to build relationships with high individuals, including our successful players that are now playing for professional teams

10x Progression program (£265) - The “never-heard-before” technique that elite players use outside the field to be ten times more progressive than normal player in any aspects of football and how you can steal this method and use it for your own football and life development

Slots are closing soon

Disclaimer: Prices are going to Increase without further notice and Bonuses may be available in different packages
  • Kingsford

    "My first week with JNM has been a blast. I have been able to keep up with my habit tracker goals i've seen improvement in my body and i've gotten very confident from following the simple steps they gave me . Looking forward for more."

  • Martin

    "JNM really brought me to the next level. They helped me build healthier habits and really organized my time. Their networking and approaches helped get me forward and help make outreach to potential opportunities!"

  • Ian

    "This is one of the best investments in my life! I've been following the program step by step and I've improved a lot in jist one month! I feel more confidence, I have workout for the gym and for the pitch, also they helped me with nutrition."

  • Professional Player Program

    Get access to PPP for £97/mo today, no hidden charges, no extra fees.


30-Day Money Back Guaranteed

Not enjoying the program? Cancel your JNM Football plan anytime you want for free, no questions asked
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  • How do I start?

    After placing your order, you'll instantly receive an email with the link to our platform & everything else you need to do to start.

  • Money back guarantee?


    If you turn up to all the calls and follow all of the guidance, but you STILL don't improve - we'll give you a refund.

  • What type of player would suit the program?

    Ages 13+, both males & females, any position, any location in the world. And most importantly, you must be motived.

  • Does it cover travel costs?

    No, if you secure a trial in a different city / country and the club doesn't cover costs. JNM Football does not pay for your travel or accomodation.

  • Does everyone get the same program?


    EVERYTHING is personalised to your specific needs, availability, current workload, equipment, and your goals.

  • Is it good for beginners?


    Because everything is so personalised for you, the work will be tailored towards how good / advanced you are currerntly.