  • Millions of players dream...

    ... of making it to the professional level, but so few players actually make it.

    Players not at the professional level have such an unfair disadvantage, and are left with no real chance of competing with the professionals.

  • But, we've done it...

    ... which means so can you.

    After so many years of struggling as young footballers, not truly knowing what we're doing.

    We finally got the results we dreamed of, and reached the professional level of the game.

    And now, we help thousands of footballers around the globe achieve the same thing.

  • You can get the opportunity...

    Whether you want to play anywhere in Europe, or USA, Australia, Asia, even Africa.

    You name it, we've helped one of our players secure a professional trial there.

    We don't offer paid trials, we don't pay off agents to get you fake trials -- we secure you a real private trial with an actual club.

  • Join JNMAcademy Free (New)

    Join our brand-new Online Academy

    Join JNMAcademy Online 
  • Join PPP 2.0

    Work with us 1-on-1; become the best possible version of yourself and secure a trial opportunity in the location of your choice.

    Join PPP 2.0 
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Frequently Asked Questions

What do JNM Football even do?

To bluntly summarise, we provide footballers with every and any support of support and value they could possibly need in order to reach their desired goals.

This ranges from online 1-on-1 coaching, to networking, and everything else in between.

Not to mention our extra video courses for match IQ; our mindset-developing journal guides & ebooks; our upcoming bio-hacking & money making blueprints, and much, MUCH more.

Will it work for me?

Great question!

Well, ask yourself this:

Are you a footballer?

If you are, this is perfect for you.

We're just like you, grew up living & breathing football. We made it, meaning we know exactly what it takes to replicate that success.

Because we're footballers just like you, we know exactly what you need, when and how!

Can I trust JNM?

The truth is, you don't need to.

We understand there's a lot of skepticism when it comes to online services.

And you should be more than careful when it comes to spending money online.

However, with our audience of over 400,000 followers worldwide - we have no reason to put so much effort into something not worth it for footballers.

Not to mention, we've worked with over 4000 footballers 1-on-1 by this point.

"I don't have a lot of time..."

Everything within our services is truly customised.

For your age, position, time commitments, availability, equipment, goals, struggles, and more.

We never tell you to do more than you can handle.

Where can I ask questions?

Within the program, you'll have direct text access to the JNM coaches.

You can contact them any time of the day, any day of the week.

If you have any questions now however before joining, you can email us at contact@jnmfootball.com