Usual price: £139/m - Your price with Early-Bird Discount: £97/m

It was a pleasure meeting you on the call...

Here's a reminder of how you're going to go:

From Struggling Footballer To Professional With Your Own Personal 1-on-1 Mentor

Inside of the Professional Player Program, you get your own proven step-by-step plan to make your way up the football pyramid from scratch, even if you only have amateur experience

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Our Player Explains How He Got 300+ Connections In 2 Months Through Our Networking System In This Video


What Is The Professional Player Program?

  • Professional Player Program is a 'made-for-you' step-by-step program covering EVERY aspect of becoming an elite footballer, and securing football trials anywhere in the world.

    This is the most hands-on online footballer platform in the world, with your own personal online coach guiding you every step of the way.

    This program has everything covered for you. No other program in the world creates 100+ trial opportunities every single year.

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The 4-Phase System

Here's exactly how we're going to get you from your local club to the elite level

Phase 1: Your Custom Program

The goal here isn't to just develop your fundamental skills into a professional's, but to get rid of everything else holding you back.
Everything here is 100% built for you. Tailored technical training, gym workouts, nutrition, mindset, recovery and schedule program regimes...
All customised towards your needs, goals, position, age, availability, strengths and weaknesses.
But you won't only receive one program to work with, but all of these regimes can be updated an unlimited amount of times. As you progress, so do your programs.

Phase 2: Unleash Tip-Top Athleticism

Ever noticed how the game is becoming more and more athletically demanding?
That's the way the modern game is.
Players are running more, and a lot faster.
That's exactly why we will create you a personal blueprint that will revolutionise your overall athleticism.

Phase 3: Finding and Preparing for the trials

You want to become a pro, right?
Here's where we make that happen.
Upon your location & level request, we will go ahead and implement our worldwide networking system to find you a trial opportunity in that exact location.
No more emailing random club emails you find off of their websites (which aren't even used...)
No more fake agents demanding thousands of dollars for a 'magical' trial.

Phase 4: Securing the Trial You Desire

This is where we put everything together & you perform at your trial.
After all of this hard work, this is where it pays off.
Your time has come to shine.
The pathway is there, you just need to walk it.
Congratulations, this is where we tell you:
"You've made it."
Get A Trial

Our Story

How we went from our local clubs to professional football in 5+ countries

We were just like you

Hi, I'm Nathan (half of JNM).

Back in 2017, I was just a young motivated footballer - probably just like you now.

I struggled, and struggled. Not playing at a good level, and constantly struggling to get over my injuries.

I was spending more money of private physiotherapy & MRI scans that I could physically afford as a 16-year-old working part-time alongside football.

It got to a point where it was so bad, I was extremely close to quitting.

And not quitting was the second best decision of my life...

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I made a big decision

Something deep down told me to keep on going, to make a change.

And this sparked my motivation.

I spent the next 18 months & every penny I was earning to invest in my knowledge.

I learned as much as I physically could about football development, trial opportunities, and everything that could help me.

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I made HUGE progress.

I was finally injury-free...

The fittest in my team...

And enjoying football again

My teammates noticed these changes and started asking questions, and after telling my story - a couple of my teammates asked for my help

And coaching some of my teammates was the BEST decision of my life

And now...

Fast forward to today, where we have used the same process in the 1000+ footballers we've worked with...

Helping them by implementing the same process

Like Bartek, who had a successful trial in the first division through us.

Success stories like this bring us an infinite amount of enjoy,

And we look forward to implementing the same process with you




There are other things that could help you achieve your football goals…

"You mean there’s more inside of this program?"

Yes and there is a lot more that will help you in long run for your football career

And these are the secrets that I have found when I used to travel all around the globe for certain football occasions

Which gave me full-understanding on what makes elite players “elite” and amateur players always “amateur”  

You see, there are other aspects than just training...

That boost their performance 10x to the peak 

Which I am giving you for Absolutely FREE

But there is a catch..

You can only get them now as we're planning on making a separate program for these benefits soon

 If You Get Inside Of The Professional Player Program Today, You Can Have Access to Five Bonuses Worth Of £630 For FREE

Total Estimated Value: £630

Your Price: FREE

Mindset Madness (valued at £197) - To have a winning mindset to make yourself disciplined in front of whatever circumstances are around you. Plus, how can you use this to set yourself apart from other players 

IQ Booster (Valued £169) - For enhancing your football intelligence by analysing and breaking down each and every movement of a player by JNM professional coach

Coaching Call with JNM coaches (Priceless) - 1:1 Q/A through personal text message with coaches of JNM, who are always available to you 24/7

Our Network System (Priceless) - Get access to our network system, which has taken years of building to build relationships with high individuals, including our successful players that are now playing for professional teams

10x Progression program (£265) - The “never-heard-before” technique that elite players use outside the field to be ten times more progressive than normal player in any aspects of football and how you can steal this method and use it for your own football and life development

Slots are closing soon

Disclaimer: Prices are going to Increase without further notice and Bonuses may be available in different packages
  • Kingsford

    "My first week with JNM has been a blast. I have been able to keep up with my habit tracker goals i've seen improvement in my body and i've gotten very confident from following the simple steps they gave me . Looking forward for more."

  • Martin

    "JNM really brought me to the next level. They helped me build healthier habits and really organized my time. Their networking and approaches helped get me forward and help make outreach to potential opportunities!"

  • Ian

    "This is one of the best investments in my life! I've been following the program step by step and I've improved a lot in jist one month! I feel more confidence, I have workout for the gym and for the pitch, also they helped me with nutrition."

  • How do I start?

    After placing your order, you'll instantly receive an email with the link to our platform & everything else you need to do to start.

  • Money back guarantee?


    If you turn up to all the calls and follow all of the guidance, but you STILL don't improve - we'll give you a refund.

  • What type of player would suit the program?

    Ages 13+, both males & females, any position, any location in the world. And most importantly, you must be motived.

  • Does it cover travel costs?

    No, if you secure a trial in a different city / country and the club doesn't cover costs. JNM Football does not pay for your travel or accomodation.

  • Does everyone get the same program?


    EVERYTHING is personalised to your specific needs, availability, current workload, equipment, and your goals.

  • Is it good for beginners?


    Because everything is so personalised for you, the work will be tailored towards how good / advanced you are currerntly.

  • Professional Player Program

    Get access to PPP for £99 today, no hidden charges.


Not enjoying the program? Cancel your JNM Football plan anytime you want for free, no questions asked
And like we already said - if you don't like your results, we'll give you a full refund within 30 days.
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